Monday, March 30, 2009


As we came home from work and shcool today, Maggie just was not her usual excited to see us self. I knew something must be wrong. All to soon we knew what it was, she had gotten into a book that was on the bottom shelf of our entertainment stand and completely ripped it to shreds. This is what we saw
So as punishment she got yelled at and put into her carrier, as usual. Than we left for a little while to have dinner at Justin and Emily's house, and came back to Maggie greeting us at the door. Needless to say we were confused, so in an effort to figure out why she was free from her crate, Bryce picked it up and found this

It goes without being said that Maggie has been horrible today, its a good thing that she is cute because she definitely tests our patience. We love her, but she needs to learn her lesson and fast!!

Update Plus A Little Extra

I thought that I would let everyone know how Bryce is doing. He is completely back to normal, he went to the doctor last Thursday and got the tape taken off of his scars. The surgeon said that he looked great and he is clear to do whatever he wants. So tomorrow is the day to start working out again. Sorry to anyone who thought the picture of his belly was disgusting, I just had to put it on our blog.

Anyway, on St. Patrick's day I thought it would be fun to make an all green dinner. When I told Bryce about my idea he was not that thrilled, because he doesn't like to eat vegetables, but I assured him I would try hard to make something without a lot of veggies. This is how it turned out.

So here is the list of what we had:
-green kool-aid
-garden salad, with peas
-green jello
-green apples
-green macaroni and cheese (homemade)
-lime sherbet
-and sugar cookies with green frosting
It was alot of fun, and I have to tell my mom thanks for making every holiday so much fun while I was growing up, it definately was my inspiration. Its not anything huge, but just a little extra effort makes so many memories. I am so excited about making silly memories with Bryce. He was so good about going along with my crazy idea, thanks babe.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Crazy Crazy Times

Once again we know its been forever, but things have been a little crazy. Its funny how life can change in just one little moment of time.

So Saturday night we had eaten dinner and put a movie in, a typical night in our exciting lives, and Bryces stomach was not feeling well. Not giving it much thought he took some medicine and tried to go to sleep. After hours of tossing and turning he started to come to the conclusion that it was APPENDICITIS!!! So at 1 in the morning I finally convinced him that we needed to go to the ER!! Just one push on his stomach and a CT scan, showed that his self diagnosis was not only right, but his appendix was twice the size of what it normally should be. So they admitted him to the hospital and we would wait for the surgeon to come back from his long night. The next day at 8:30 he went in for surgery.

At that moment one of the guys in our ward called me to ask if our house was flooding, because it had been raining for like 2 days straight. When I told him that we were at the hospital he offered to go check on our house and to get all of our furniture up. Between him and our good friends Justin and Emily we got the house and Maggie taken care of.

Just to add to the list, Bryce had finals week starting the day after surgery, obvisouly he would not be able to attend so Justin got a hold of the Dean to ask him to excuse Bryce from the tests. Surgery went well and Bryce recovered great. So after a week of finals he only has two tests to make up next week, but his classes never suffered.

He will never cease to amaze me because not matter what life throws at him he always gives it everything he has and never complains. He even went to school the day he was released and took a test. I am so glad that everything turned out okay. I also have to say thank you to Justin and Emily for coming to help with no hesitations. They definately made the situation easier for us.

We didn't manage to get any pictures of Bryce while he was in the hospital, but here is a picture of his scars

We also want to say thanks to everyone who kept us in their prayers and for all the phone calls. Also thanks family for the awesome care package. Its no nice to know that no matter how far away from our families that we are they will still do all they can to help us.